My Review of UNFINISHED BUSINESS by Carolyn Ridder Aspenson
by Carolyn Ridder Aspenson
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I loved the way the author told this story. The underlying subject matter was serious, but her funny, snarky tone lightened the mood to make it a very enjoyable read. The author has a great sense of humor, even about death, but when the story called for it, she was reverent and empathetic in the way her characters handled each other.
I really identified with the main character—she’s just a mom, trying to do the things she needs to do to keep the family on track. She’s not an overbearing supermom by any means, but she will do anything to keep her kids safe, even siccing her ghost-mom on her daughter’s frenemies.
I highly recommend this book if you like chick-lit, especially if you want a book with more substance than most. I would love to read more by this author.