Worldwide Blog Tour--coming soon!

10/15/2013 09:44

I'm touring again--and this time it's going GLOBAL!  Fifteen kind ladies from around the world have agreed to host me on their blogs for my tour.  I couldn't be more thrilled!

Here is the schedule--check back, as there may be some updates.


October 19th--Change the Word, Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & More, Georgina Troy blog, Sheryl Browne blog

October 20th--Alissa Baxter blog, Written by Deb, Angel Sefer blog, Courtney Giardina blog

October 21st--Chloe Gets a Clue, Lilian Roberts blog

October 22nd--Chick Lit Goddess, Between Boyfriends

October 23rd-- Zanna Mackenzie blog, Ruth Mancini blog

October 24th--Monique McDonell blog