Article archive
10/19/2013 11:04
Today on my 2013 Worldwide Blog Tour, I'll be visiting
Change the Word, where I'll be dishing on literary crushes
Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries & More, where I'll swoon over my favorite romantic gestures
Georgina Troy's author blog, where...
10/15/2013 09:44
I'm touring again--and this time it's going GLOBAL! Fifteen kind ladies from around the world have agreed to host me on their blogs for my tour. I couldn't be more thrilled!
Here is the schedule--check back, as there may be some updates.
October 19th--Change the Word, Melissa's...
10/15/2013 08:31
Remember how much you enjoyed the IT'S JUST A LITTLE CRUSH Quiz?
Well, this quiz is even better, because it's not only over my book, but also over Angel Sefer's SPELLBOUND IN HIS ARMS and Carolyn Ridder Aspenson's UNFINISHED BUSINESS! AND the prize is also three times the fun--it's a...
10/07/2013 23:34
Now is the perfect time to grab your copy of my friend Jami Deise's chick/mom lit novel, KEEPING SCORE!
It's on sale from 10/7/13 - 10/11/13 for $0.99! Get it on Amazon. I loved the book. Read my review here.
When her 9-year-old son wanted to play summer travel baseball, Shannon...
10/05/2013 14:33
Super-big thanks to bestselling author, Jan Moran, for interviewing me on her blog! It was a great interview with very interesting and thought-provoking questions. Go to Jan's blog and read it here.
Jan Moran is a bestselling author whose novel, Scent of Triumph, just got...
10/05/2013 14:08
IT'S JUST A LITTLE CRUSH got a great review from InD'tale Magazine, a well-known e-magazine reviewing and discussing indie books! Read it here.
09/30/2013 11:04
Break out your ereaders, people! It’s launch day for THE FAMILY YOU CHOOSE by Deborah Nam-Krane! I was one of the lucky few to receive an advance copy, and I can personally guarantee that you will be shocked, thrilled, crushed, jumping for joy, and devastated...
09/30/2013 10:50
Congrats to Debi N. of Indiana, winner of the IT'S JUST A LITTLE CRUSH QUIZ. There were several perfect scores, so we put the names in a hat and my husband drew out Debi's name. Thanks to everyone for playing, and Debi, you will receive your $10 Amazon Gift Card this...
09/28/2013 09:26
Today I welcome Courtney Giardina, author of TEAR STAINED BEACHES as a guest blogger! Courtney is in the middle of a blog tour to promote the launch of the print version of her debut novel, which you can buy here. And she's giving away a signed copy, so be sure to enter the contest at...
09/27/2013 11:10
Today, I welcome back my friend, Deborah Nam-Krane, a FANTASTIC author, whose new book, THE FAMILY YOU CHOOSE, debuts TODAY! Deb is here to talk about “How to Write about Taboos”, which she does a masterful job of in her new novel. I was lucky enough to read an advance copy, and...
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